The Untouchables

Brian Hicks

Posted January 27, 2013

It’s a sunny, 17-degree day in Baltimore, a day best spent with a hot cup of coffee and Frontline. After all, I owe it to myself and to my readers to try to make sense of this madness…

How could the White House, our elected officials, our government leaders — the very ones we voted for to uphold the truths and values necessary so that we may continue living our lives with the freedoms our forefathers worked so hard to attain — protect these criminals?

Why are innocent taxpayers and what’s left of the disappearing private sector forced to pay up?

Why are their mistakes now our burden?

They are those who have committed the most shameful and globally debilitating acts of fraud, yet not a single one of them has been prosecuted.

They are Wall Street.

When I was in high school, my coworker stole a pair of jeans from the local mall and was arrested, banned from the store, publicly shamed, and fired from her retail job.

In a free society, punishment is the only way to maintain order. In a free society where money is king, punishment for financial criminals should be a bedrock for the system.

Evidently, the Obama administration isn’t too concerned with maintaining a functioning and fair financial realm. Better to let ordinary Americans suffer than piss off the guys with the money.

Taxpayers Left to Pick Up the Pieces

No one should have the power to completely destroy the financial system of the United States, much less the entire world. “That doesn’t happen if there isn’t something bad going on,” Senator Ted Kaufman said a few years ago.

Something bad IS going on…

It’s called fraud.

In the thick of the financial disaster several years back, homeowners were either duped or duping mortgage loan lenders. One contract worker who was a due diligence underwriter responsible for assessing the risk of buying loan portfolios said “anything went.”

The bankers didn’t care what happened with those unsustainable loans. The head honchos received $36B in bonuses one year, only to demand billions in bailout money from taxpayers shortly thereafter.


Shooting Fish in Barrel

Apparently, it’s easy to toss the word “fraud” around — but not so easy to prosecute it.

The FBI and Department of Justice were able to respond merely by “shooting fish in a barrel,” according to Christopher Cruise, loan officer and trainer from 1990-2008.

Dozens of small mortgage brokers, loan appraisers, and even home buyers were arrested… but not a single banker or Wall Street exec was convicted of these crimes.

Wall Street won. The government won. Everybody lived happily ever after…

Except the rest of us.

History to Repeat Itself

Five years have passed, and we’re finally beginning to feel the weight of the bankers’ burdens.

The debt limit drama is a direct effect of the economic calamity initiated by the criminal bankers on Wall Street. And this is only the beginning…

Obama plans to raise the debt limit through another executive order, disregarding the obvious risk factors. The government will win again and Wall Street will stay afloat — all thanks to taxpayers like you and me.

Not to fear; the Fed will print more money to give us an illusion of wealth in these trying times.

But keep in mind the Fed was created by the very same banking criminals who got us in this unfortunate state of affairs.

Neither organization is looking out for you.  

Fiat currency is not wealth.

It will not suddenly create more soybeans, iPads, or Honda Accords. As Ron Paul so acutely stated, it merely exists to “strengthen a fantasy balance sheet” as part of the grand illusion.

Unless you’re a Wall Street executive, a member of Congress, or a part of Obama’s administration, you’re going to need to get your retirement savings out of their greedy reach.

Take back some control and exercise your right to the pursuit of happiness with REAL wealth.

We recommend buying precious metals, hiding them, and keeping them safe.

More ideas on how to secure and protect your wealth without giving a percentage to the schemers in this week’s top investment stories, below…

Best wishes for a prosperous future,

Brittany Stepniak Signature

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